A kinetic/light/sound installation based on a subjective interpretation of sound traveling through space. →

))))) repetition at my distance

investigates the dynamics between air particles as a dynamic ecosystem where the visitor travels through different altitudes of an artificial atmosphere above the Goffertpark in Nijmegen. →

Airborne Landscapes

is a generative virtual environment based on the urban space around Paradiso in Amsterdam that is influenced in real time by weather conditions and the day and night rhythms of physical reality. →


reflects on Stockholm’s ever changing urban landscapes and on the complex relationships between man-made, technology and nature. →

Flowing Grounds

Every day we are surrounded by machines and technological systems that have their own internal clocks. →


A sensory installation that explores sensuality in terms of behaviors, phenomena and possible qualities without their relying on cultural codes. →

Glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back

The neighborhood is alive, it is a collection of various conscious and unconscious stimuli and reactions to them. →

Symbiotic Spaces

Derives from the ideas of the mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) who assumed that the universe consists of “monads”, invisible elementary particles equipped with a certain degree of consciousness. →

The Monads

creates a swarm of light and sound; a combination of chaos and precision, appearance and intention. →

Red Horizon

Lucida Space


The exhibition Lucida Space has been featured on Москва24 TV including a small interview with me.


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Developed by Rocketclowns

Lead developer
Olaf Wempe