A sensory installation that explores sensuality in terms of behaviors, phenomena and possible qualities without their relying on cultural codes. →

Glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back

investigates the dynamics between air particles as a dynamic ecosystem where the visitor travels through different altitudes of an artificial atmosphere above the Goffertpark in Nijmegen. →

Airborne Landscapes

Every day we are surrounded by machines and technological systems that have their own internal clocks. →


The neighborhood is alive, it is a collection of various conscious and unconscious stimuli and reactions to them. →

Symbiotic Spaces

is a generative virtual environment based on the urban space around Paradiso in Amsterdam that is influenced in real time by weather conditions and the day and night rhythms of physical reality. →


Derives from the ideas of the mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) who assumed that the universe consists of “monads”, invisible elementary particles equipped with a certain degree of consciousness. →

The Monads

creates a swarm of light and sound; a combination of chaos and precision, appearance and intention. →

Red Horizon

reflects on Stockholm’s ever changing urban landscapes and on the complex relationships between man-made, technology and nature. →

Flowing Grounds

A kinetic/light/sound installation based on a subjective interpretation of sound traveling through space. →

))))) repetition at my distance

Glinting honey in the dark, a feather tickling on my back

A sensory installation that explores sensuality in terms of behaviors, phenomena and possible qualities without their relying on cultural codes. By doing so the work investigates the material’s possibility of suggesting intimate human gestures or expressions – they caress, shudder, whisper, tickle, hesitate, grope and dance – perhaps symptoms of persistent human desire.

In a darkened environment a space-filling sensory installation is created to evoke a subtle and sensual experience for the visitor by using found objects, an 8 channel audio spatial setup and controlled kinetics.

This project is made in collaboration with Nishiko and Sukebeningen

The Project Sukebeningen presents Japanese eroticism, inspired by the Dutch beach Scheveningen, as a form of collaborative works with invited artists. Its objective is to explore sensuality and to accommodate different views on eroticism each invited artist possesses.

2014 – Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, The Hague
With the kind support of Stroom, Den Haag

Fotos: Maurice Tjon a Tham, Ed Jansen
Special thanks: Haruka Yamada



Developed by Rocketclowns

Lead developer
Olaf Wempe